Have you ever heard of rubber roofing? If not, it’s time to learn more! Rubber roofing is a type of synthetic material that has been used for decades in the building industry. It’s made from recycled and natural products such as coal tar, petroleum-based materials, silica sand and limestone.

It’s no secret that rubber roofing is a cost-effective, environmentally friendly way to reduce your energy expenses and make your house more comfortable.The benefits of rubber roofing are many! Read on and learn more about this versatile material!


Well first off, it is very heavy duty which makes it perfect for extreme weather conditions like strong winds or heavy rains. Also, this type of material doesn’t leak water into your house like other types do when they get old or damaged by severe weather.

UV protection

If you’re looking for a durable roofing material that is both weather resistant and immune to UV radiation, rubber roofing may be the perfect option for your home. Rubber roofs are designed to last two times longer than traditional asphalt shingle roofs, while also providing a more affordable solution.

Easy maintenance

Rubber roofing is a low-maintenance material that can be installed on any type of home. It’s one of the best options for homeowners who want to avoid the hassles and expenses associated with other types of roofs, such as asphalt or metal.

Budget friendly

Did you know that rubber roofing is a cost-effective alternative to asphalt shingle roofs? Rubber roofing lasts twice as long and requires less maintenance work. This means you can save up on your budget for other things around the house or spend more time with family.

As you can see, rubber roofing has a lot of benefits. The material is durable, it lasts for years and can be installed quickly. When you choose rubber roofing from Bluestone Windows, you can rest assured that you’re making a great investment! Contact us today if you want more information about this exciting product that will make your life easier in every way possible.

Working on a project?

We supply a wide range of products and accessories at affordable trade prices across Salisbury and Wiltshire. Get in touch to discuss your requirements!


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